Land for sale in Fauquier County Virginia

Can I Subdivide Land for Sale in Fauquier County Virginia?

Are you a Fauquier County land owner, or are you shopping for land for sale in Fauquier County Virginia? If so, you might be wondering, what does it take to subdivide land in Fauquier County, and does your property (or the property you’re thinking about purchasing) have good subdivision potential? These are excellent questions to … Continued
How much does an acre of land cost in Virginia?

How Much Does Land Cost per Acre in Virginia?

So you want to know how much does land cost per acre in Virginia? If you’re looking for land for sale in Northern Virginia, it’s an important question to ask. If you ask Google this question, you’ll get answers ranging from about $3,000 to $4,500 per acre. In reality, however, land values vary so much … Continued

January 2020 National Land Market Update

International trade uncertainties are making some people nervous, but overall the economy is in great shape and we can expect good things for the national land market in 2020. Now that the New Year is here and the spring market is around the corner, I thought this would be a good time to check in … Continued

Top Northern Virginia Home Selling Myths Debunked

When it comes to selling a home, it’s hard to know who or what to believe with all the misinformation, inaccuracies, and home selling myths floating around out there. And well-meaning but misinformed family and friends don’t help matters either – a good reason to call on the expertise of real estate professionals. But to … Continued
Waterfront land for sale in Northern Virginia in Fauquier County

Waterfront Land for Sale in Northern Virginia

Where can I buy waterfront land for sale in Northern Virginia? Depending how you define it, there are several areas where it is possible to find waterfront land for sale in Northern Virginia. For the purposes of this post, I looked at Arlington County, Fairfax County, Loudoun County, Prince William County, and Fauquier County. We … Continued

Does the Concept of Curb Appeal Apply to Raw Land?

In residential real estate, a house is said to have curb appeal if it gives buyers a good impression from the outside. Rough Transcript: In residential real estate, a house is said to have curb appeal if it gives buyers a good impression from the outside. So the exterior is clean (perhaps freshly painted), the lawn … Continued

Farms for Sale in Leesburg VA in January 2020

Are you searching for farms for sale in Leesburg VA? Unfortunately, the inventory of farms for sale in Leesburg VA is relatively limited compared to the inventory of farms and farm land in the broader Loudoun County market. As of this writing, there are only four farms for sale in Leesburg compared to 23 farms … Continued

Should I buy Land for Sale in Virginia by Owner?

Few prospective land buyers begin their search with the intention of buying land for sale in Virginia by owner. The fact is, the vast majority of land for sale in Northern Virginia is listed by a real estate agent. However, you do come across the occasional FSBO on the internet or when you’re out driving … Continued

Land for Sale with Well and Septic in VA?

If you’re searching for land for sale with well and septic in VA, then you’re probably in an area where much of the land inventory doesn’t have access to public water and sewer. This is not unusual for Northern Virginia, especially as you make your way into some of the more distant suburbs in Fairfax … Continued

Perked Land for Sale – What is a Perc Test?

Are you searching for perked land for sale in Northern Virginia? If so, you’re not alone. Given how rapidly Northern Virginia is developing, prospective buyers are often surprised to learn that a lot of land is still not connected to public water and sewer. This is especially true of single residential building lots in places … Continued